Adobe Illustrator for Kids (Live Virtual Classroom)

Adobe Illustrator for Kids

Duration: 4 sessions | 2 hours/session

Fee: ₱4,000

Graphic Design is everywhere, from billboard signs to the social media sites; game sites to logos on your child’s favorite comic books or clothing.

If your child is into drawing, painting or any “arts & crafts” projects, you have found the right workshop for him/her. Just like in Minecraft, give your child a chance to create something amazing by providing the right tool and skillset. Adobe Illustrator is the global standard for creating vector art. Allow your child to express his/her creativity through the use of this program and it will result to amazing school and personal projects.

This course provides live instructor-led demonstration and discussions, student engagement and on-the-spot hands on exercises using Zoom, Google Classroom and Adobe Illustrator CC. An offline project will be given to students to complete and present on the last day.

Session/Day Lessons
Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator
  • PCCI Anywhere Orientation
  • Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator
  • Exploring Illustrator Interface
  • Create and Saving Documents
Drawing Basics
  • AI Basic Tools Quick Guide
  • Basic Shape Tools
  • Pen Tool Basics
  • Editing Tools
Applying Color and Text
  • Applying Color and Gradients
  • Applying Gradient Mesh
  • Using Text in AI
Manipulating Artwork
  • Rotate and Reflect Commands
  • Envelop Distort
  • Blend Commands
  • Applying Effects


Basic computer skills.


Students must have Adobe Illustrator CC (lower versions are acceptable however maybe restricted), Zoom application and stable internet connection.


  1. Includes e-certificate of completion
  2. Lifetime Free Refresher  (You may attend again the same course,  free of charge, on a space-available basis.)
  3. Alumni discount

Fees: ₱4,000 inclusive of VAT.
Includes materials & e-certificate at the end of the class.

Discount Options:
Check Discount Options & Payment

Duration:  4 sessions | 2 hours per session | 8 hours total

Schedule: This is a multi-day non-consecutive course program. Make sure to check the actual days and class hours per session. To register, click the “REGISTER” button in the UPCOMING SCHEDULES below the page.


10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
MAR 13 (Sat)
Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator & Drawing Basics
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
MAR 20 (Sat)
Drawing Basics
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
MAR 27 (Sat)
Applying Color and Text
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
APR 3 (Sat)
Manipulating Artwork


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This course is designed to enhance the knowledge, desirable attitudes, and skills in operating a camera and composing a subject; setting up studio lights, equipment, and accessories; performing post-production stages; and presenting finished products in accordance with the industry standards.