TESDA Scholarship Opportunities

TESDA, thru accredited training centers like PCCI, offers several scholarship grants. These scholarship grants are subject to availability. Terms and conditions apply.
Type of Scholarship:
Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP)
Available training programs at PCCI:
- Photography NC II
- Visual Graphic Design NC III
A. Scholarship is for those who do not have capacity to pay the program fees. Priority shall be given to the following:
- Those without prior formal or vocational trainings
- Those coming from regions or provinces where the absolute number of poor residents and the incidence of poverty are high, as identified in the latest official poverty statistics of the PSA-NSCB
- Persons with disability (PWDs)
- Indigenous people
- Solo parents and their children
- Senior citizens shall be afforded access to scholarships opportunities in the qualifications/courses where they can qualify
- OFW returnees
- Members of the families of AFP and PNP personnel killed in military and police operations
- Can either be out-of-school youths, TVET trainers or industry workers obtaining skills upgrading training programs
- Other marginalized groups may also avail of the scholarship program subject to pre-qualification.
B. Must not be currently a beneficiary of other government educational scholarship and subsidy program.
C. Must be at least 18 years old at the time the scholar finishes the training.
- Fill up our Mailing List Form.
- Whenever we get grants from TESDA, announcement will be sent first to our mailing list before posting to public.
- Applicants will then be asked to fill up this Pre-qualifying Form.
- If the applicant pass the preliminary screening process, the Scholarship Committee (SC) will schedule them for an interview.
On the basis of application form and interview, the SC will pick the scholars. The decision of the Scholarship Committee (SC) is final.
A. Scholarship is for those who do not have capacity to pay the program fees. Priority shall be given to the following:
- Those without prior formal or vocational trainings
- Those coming from regions or provinces where the absolute number of poor residents and the incidence of poverty are high, as identified in the latest official poverty statistics of the PSA-NSCB
- Persons with disability (PWDs)
- Indigenous people
- Solo parents and their children
- Senior citizens shall be afforded access to scholarships opportunities in the qualifications/courses where they can qualify
- OFW returnees
- Members of the families of AFP and PNP personnel killed in military and police operations
- Can either be out-of-school youths, TVET trainers or industry workers obtaining skills upgrading training programs
- Other marginalized groups may also avail of the scholarship program subject to pre-qualification.
B. Must not be currently a beneficiary of other government educational scholarship and subsidy program.
C. Must be at least 18 years old at the time the scholar finishes the training.
- Four pieces of 1 x 1 colored photo
- Four pieces of passport-size colored photo
– white background
– shirt with collar
– with name in front (digital name is acceptable) - Photocopy of any valid government ID (with full name and correct spelling).
- Photocopy of birth certificate.
- Each scholar will be given a schedule of classes that they should attend. Attendance is a must.
- Each scholar has full scholarship which means they do not need to pay anything for the program.
- At any time, a scholar can quit the program for whatever reason without incurring any penalty or charges. However, they cannot be reinstated in the scholarship, nor can they assign the remaining portion of the scholarship to another person.
- At any time, a scholar can be removed from the program for absences or if the Scholarship Committee (SC), in consultation with the trainer in the program, deems that the candidate does not have the necessary skills or capacity to finish the program or has not displayed enthusiasm or interest in class.
Visit TESDA PROGRAMS page for complete program details.